Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Developing Materials Using Picture

1.   Find the words (nouns) related to the colors in the picture.
Key Answer:
-       Yellow                          - black
-       Purple                          - brown
-       Red                             - blue
-       green                          - etc

2.   Find the words (verbs) related to the activities in the picture.
Key Answer:
-       Teach                          - listen                    - explain
-       Read                           - sit                        - etc
-       Study                          - stand
-       Write                           - see

3.   Find the words (nouns) related to the things in the classroom from the picture.
Key Answer:
-       Table                          - book                              - picture
-       Chair                           - whiteboard                      - wall
-       Student                        - LCD                               - floor
-       Teacher                       - laptop                             - etc

4.   Find the words (adjectives) related to everything you see in the picture.
Key Answer:
-       Tall                              - square
-       Long                           - small
-       Clean                           - big
-       Handsome                    - tidy

5.   Write some simple sentences (using Simple Present and Present Progressive) related to the activities you see from the picture.
Key Answer:
-       This is our classroom.
-       There are only four students in our classroom.
-       We are studying geography now.
-       We like the teacher.
-       He is handsome and kind.
-       The teacher is also clever.
-       The teacher is standing in front of the class.
-       He is explaining something to the students.
-       The students are sitting on their chairs.
-       The students are listening to the teacher.
-       The students are studying geography.

6.   Combine the sentences you have made into a good paragraph.
Key Answer:
This is our classroom. There are only four students in our classroom. We are studying geography now. The teacher is standing in front of the class. He is explaining. We are sitting on the chairs and listening to the teacher. We like geography because the teacher is handsome and kind. He is also clever.

7.   Fill in the blanks in the paragraph below with the words based on the picture.
Key Answer:
This is our classroom. There are only four …. in our classroom. Sarah and Meilan are sitting in the front rows. Sarah is wearing white shirt, Meilan is wearing brown …. We are studying geography now. The … is standing in front of the class. He is explaining. We are sitting on the … and listening to the ... We like geography because the teacher is handsome and kind. He is also clever.

8.   Can you find some similarities between the classroom in the picture and that of your own? Mention them.
Key Answer:
-       One table is for two students
-       There is laptop and LCD in the classroom
-       There is a whiteboard in front of the classroom.
-       There are some pictures on the wall.

9.   Can you find some differences between the classroom in picture and that of your own? Mention them.
In my classroom
Classroom in the picture
-      There are thirty students
-      The teacher wears a tie
-     There is no board to stick the students’ works
-     The class is big and often noisy
-     There are only four students
-     The teacher never wears a tie
-     There is a board to stick the students’ works
-     The class is small and it seems quite

What do you think about the students in the picture you see? Write your opinion in a paragraph consists of at least six sentences!
Key Answer:

11.                Describe the picture with your own words.
Key Answer:

12.                Do you think the classroom in the picture is an ideal one?

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