Friday, May 31, 2013

rapOrt digital dan sisipan 2013 2014 BY yogi

nb.........................................KLIK DISINI                          
raport digital.................KLIK DISINI         
raport sisipan...............KLIK DISINI          
terbilang...........................KLIK DISINI             
panduan 1.......................KLIK DISINI                 





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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Language Development In Children

This page presents information on the development of language in children.  The chart below presents typical language development.  There is a wide range of normal development.  Most children will not follow the chart to the letter.  It is presented so you will know what to expect for your child.  If your child seems significantly behind in language development, you should talk with your child's physician regarding your questions and concerns.
Language Development Chart
Age of Child
Typical Language Development
Vocalization with intonation
Responds to his name
Responds to human voices without visual cues by turning his head and eyes
Responds appropriately to friendly and angry tones
Uses one or more words with meaning (this may be a fragment of a word)
Understands simple instructions, especially if  vocal or physical cues are given
Practices inflection
Is aware of the social value of speech
Has vocabulary of approximately 5-20 words
Vocabulary made up chiefly of nouns
Some echolalia (repeating a word or phrase over and over)
Much jargon with emotional content
Is able to follow simple commands
Can name a number of objects common to his surroundings
Is able to use at least two prepositions, usually chosen from the following: in, on, under
Combines words into a short sentence-largely noun-verb combinations (mean) length of sentences is given as 1.2 words
Approximately 2/3 of what child says should be intelligible
Vocabulary of approximately 150-300 words
Rhythm and fluency often poor
Volume and pitch of voice not yet well-controlled
Can use two pronouns correctly: I, me, you, although me and I are often confused
My and mine are beginning to emerge
Responds to such commands as "show me your eyes (nose, mouth, hair)"
Use pronouns I, you, me correctly
Is using some plurals and past tenses
Knows at least three prepositions, usually in, on, under
Knows chief parts of body and should be able to indicate these if not name
Handles three word sentences easily
Has in the neighborhood of 900-1000 words
About 90% of what child says should be intelligible
Verbs begin to predominate
Understands most simple questions dealing with his environment and activities
Relates his experiences so that they can be followed with reason
Able to reason out such questions as "what must you do when you are sleepy, hungry, cool, or thirsty?"
Should be able to give his sex, name, age
Should not be expected to answer all questions even though he understands what is expected
Knows names of familiar animals
Can use at least four prepositions or can demonstrate his understanding of their     meaning when given commands
Names common objects in picture books or magazines
Knows one or more colors
Can repeat 4 digits when they are given slowly
Can usually repeat words of four syllables
Demonstrates understanding of over and under
Has most vowels and diphthongs and the consonants p, b, m, w, n well established
Often indulges in make-believe
Extensive verbalization as he carries out activities
Understands such concepts as longer, larger, when a contrast is presented
Readily follows simple commands even thought the stimulus objects are not in sight
Much repetition of words, phrases, syllables, and even sounds
Can use many descriptive words spontaneously-both adjectives and adverbs
Knows common opposites: big-little, hard-soft, heave-light, etc
Has number concepts of 4 or more
Can count to ten
Speech should be completely intelligible, in spite of articulation problems
Should have all vowels and the consonants, m,p,b,h,w,k,g,t,d,n,ng,y (yellow)
Should be able to repeat sentences as long as nine words
Should be able to define common objects in terms of use (hat, shoe, chair)
Should be able to follow three commands given without interruptions
Should know his age
Should have simple time concepts: morning, afternoon, night, day, later, after, while
Tomorrow, yesterday, today
Should be using fairly long sentences and should use some compound and some    complex sentences
Speech on the whole should be grammatically correct
In addition to the above consonants these should be mastered: f, v, sh, zh, th,1
He should have concepts of  7
Speech should be completely intelligible and socially useful
Should be able to tell one a rather connected story about a picture, seeing relationships
Between objects and happenings
Should have mastered the consonants s-z, r, voiceless th, ch, wh, and the soft g as in George
Should handle opposite analogies easily: girl-boy, man-woman, flies-swims, blunt-sharp short-long, sweet-sour, etc
Understands such terms as: alike, different, beginning, end, etc
Should be able to tell time to quarter hour
Should be able to do simple reading and to write or print many words
Can relate rather involved accounts of events, many of which occurred at some time in  the past
Complex and compound sentences should be used easily
Should be few lapses in grammatical constrictions-tense, pronouns, plurals
All speech sounds, including consonant blends should be established
Should be reading with considerable ease and now writing simple compositions
Social amenities should be present in his speech in appropriate situations
Control of rate, pitch, and volume are generally well and appropriately established
Can carry on conversation at rather adult level
Follows fairly complex directions with little repetition
Has well developed time and number concepts

Valentino Rossi at le mans

Yamaha Factory Racing’s Jorge Lorenzo and Valentino Rossi will carry special logos on their motorcycles for this weekend’s Monster Energy Grand Prix de France.

The logos, to be seen on both of the factory outfit machines, will serve as tributes to Yamaha legend Jean Claude Olivier who lost his life in a road traffic accident earlier this year. Known as ‘JCO’, Olivier worked for Yamaha for 45 years until his retirement in 2010. He competed in the Dakar Rally for the company between 1979 and 1989, finishing second in 1985. He also guided motorcycle racing for Yamaha Motor France when holding the role of President. Also in remembrance of Olivier, a display of images will be erected in the Yamaha team hospitality area this weekend.

On-track, both Lorenzo and Rossi are hoping for more positive weekends after struggling amid the high temperatures of Jerez two weeks previous.

“I am looking forward to racing there,” Lorenzo begins of Le Mans. “I arrive with a lot of motivation after the Jerez results. Perhaps we expected better there but we struggled much more than we expected because of the extreme heat on the track. Fortunately we worked a lot on the test day afterwards to solve little problems. That session helped us to understand what the main problems had been on the Sunday.

“I've always had very good results at Le Mans and it brings me good memories. Last year, in fact, I got a victory in the wet by a great distance over the rest. I rode a perfect race, without making a single mistake and in terrible track conditions. I have won many times in France and think it's a good track for both me and the Yamaha M1.”

In 2012, Rossi may have finished almost ten seconds behind Lorenzo, but notched up his equal best finish of the year while competing for Ducati Team.

“Le Mans is a good track for me, not least because in the last two years I was able to reach the podium in both dry and wet conditions,” says the seven-time premier class world champion. “We hope to do the same and better with Yamaha because this is a good track for the M1.

“In Le Mans the weather will be very important because usually the weather is quite bad; it can be cold and wet, so we will see. We will have to work well, like always, and try to understand the weather and the track conditions. We will try to do the maximum, as always.”

Heading to Round 4, Lorenzo leads the Yamaha attack from third place in the championship which is headed up by Repsol Honda Team’s Marc Marquez and Dani Pedrosa. Rossi sits fourth and is now hoping to become the fourth different winner from as many races this season – something that has not happened since 2008.

Developing Materials Using Picture

1.   Find the words (nouns) related to the colors in the picture.
Key Answer:
-       Yellow                          - black
-       Purple                          - brown
-       Red                             - blue
-       green                          - etc

2.   Find the words (verbs) related to the activities in the picture.
Key Answer:
-       Teach                          - listen                    - explain
-       Read                           - sit                        - etc
-       Study                          - stand
-       Write                           - see

3.   Find the words (nouns) related to the things in the classroom from the picture.
Key Answer:
-       Table                          - book                              - picture
-       Chair                           - whiteboard                      - wall
-       Student                        - LCD                               - floor
-       Teacher                       - laptop                             - etc

4.   Find the words (adjectives) related to everything you see in the picture.
Key Answer:
-       Tall                              - square
-       Long                           - small
-       Clean                           - big
-       Handsome                    - tidy

5.   Write some simple sentences (using Simple Present and Present Progressive) related to the activities you see from the picture.
Key Answer:
-       This is our classroom.
-       There are only four students in our classroom.
-       We are studying geography now.
-       We like the teacher.
-       He is handsome and kind.
-       The teacher is also clever.
-       The teacher is standing in front of the class.
-       He is explaining something to the students.
-       The students are sitting on their chairs.
-       The students are listening to the teacher.
-       The students are studying geography.

6.   Combine the sentences you have made into a good paragraph.
Key Answer:
This is our classroom. There are only four students in our classroom. We are studying geography now. The teacher is standing in front of the class. He is explaining. We are sitting on the chairs and listening to the teacher. We like geography because the teacher is handsome and kind. He is also clever.

7.   Fill in the blanks in the paragraph below with the words based on the picture.
Key Answer:
This is our classroom. There are only four …. in our classroom. Sarah and Meilan are sitting in the front rows. Sarah is wearing white shirt, Meilan is wearing brown …. We are studying geography now. The … is standing in front of the class. He is explaining. We are sitting on the … and listening to the ... We like geography because the teacher is handsome and kind. He is also clever.

8.   Can you find some similarities between the classroom in the picture and that of your own? Mention them.
Key Answer:
-       One table is for two students
-       There is laptop and LCD in the classroom
-       There is a whiteboard in front of the classroom.
-       There are some pictures on the wall.

9.   Can you find some differences between the classroom in picture and that of your own? Mention them.
In my classroom
Classroom in the picture
-      There are thirty students
-      The teacher wears a tie
-     There is no board to stick the students’ works
-     The class is big and often noisy
-     There are only four students
-     The teacher never wears a tie
-     There is a board to stick the students’ works
-     The class is small and it seems quite

What do you think about the students in the picture you see? Write your opinion in a paragraph consists of at least six sentences!
Key Answer:

11.                Describe the picture with your own words.
Key Answer:

12.                Do you think the classroom in the picture is an ideal one?